Flower Child Herbal Hair Rinse
Elevate your hair ritual with Flower Child Herbal Hair Rinse. There is something unique and ritualistic about pouring an infusion of flowers over your head. Deeply nourishing and soothing to dry hair and scalp. It locks in moisture and helps keep hair healthy and strong.
hydrated and nourished to the scalp.
Add 2 cups nearly boiling hot water, 2 tablespoon Flower Child herbal hair Rinse mixture. let it step for around 10 minutes, releases the rejuvenating properties of the flowers. Then strain the tea and pour into a jar. Get into a shower or bath and pour over your head let sit for as long as possible before rinsing with water.
Hair rinse, flowers for your bath, face steamer.
Where to store
Store in a cool, dark place to protect the integrity and quality of the product, ensuring maximum freshness and efficacy.
*Cornflowers, *Sunflowers, *Pink Rose Petals, *Calendula flowers, *Chamomile flowers, *Lotus Stamens, LOVE.
* Indicates certified organic and/or wildcrafted
Formulated for all skin types
4 fl. oz.